buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title ReverseRent - Where Landlords Bid for Quality Tenants style.css header class main-header nav div ReverseRent class logo div class nav-links a How It Works href #how-it-works a Create Profile href #tenant-form a View Bids href #bids button Login class login-btn main section class hero h1 Turn Rent-Seeking Upside Down p Let landlords compete for quality tenants like you button Get Started class cta-button onclick scrollToForm() section id how-it-works class process-section h2 How ReverseRent Works div class process-grid div class process-card span 1 h3 Create Your Profile p Share your credentials and preferences div class process-card span 2 h3 Receive Bids p Landlords compete for your tenancy div class process-card span 3 h3 Choose Your Home p Select the best offer for you section id tenant-form class tenant-profile h2 Create Your Tenant Profile form id profileForm div class form-group label Credit Score input type range min 300 max 850 value 675 id creditScore span id creditScoreValue 675 div class form-group label Annual Income input type number placeholder Enter your annual income required div class form-group label Employment History textarea placeholder Describe your last 3 positions... required div class form-group label Rental History textarea placeholder List your previous addresses and landlords... required div class form-group label Preferred Areas input type text placeholder Enter preferred neighborhoods div class form-group label Maximum Rent input type number placeholder Your maximum monthly rent button Submit Profile type submit class submit-btn section id bids class bids-section h2 Active Bids div class bids-grid Loading active bids... footer div class footer-content p ReverseRent - Empowering quality tenants div class footer-links a Terms href /terms a Privacy href /privacy a Contact href /contact script.js